Notes from Candice Ransom

Happy Thanksgiving!

thanksgiving leaves

Not our yard!   I rake leaves, gumballs,  and hickory nuts starting in September without the least inclination to make word patterns.   This person does this every year.

6 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

    • This looked better last week when he first did it. But then it rained, and got windy, and rained again! He sometimes rakes a heart shape around one tree. I will never have that energy!

  1. Great picture. Great message.

    May you and yours be blessed.

    I have been enjoying your posts.
    My early nature explorations were in the watersheds of the Big Rocky Run and Little Rocky Run. Sometimes getting lost in the beauty and solitude of woods, streams and sky.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    • Hi Steve:

      I’ve missed you, but then I haven’t posted much. And I figured you were still there. My explorations were even smaller–Willow Springs, which runs into Little Rocky Run. Do you remember a quarry in the woods behind Willow Springs Garage? Not the big one one Lee Highway. This one was abandoned.

      Have a wonderful holiday!

  2. I had class mates who lived behind the garage in the 50’s and early 60’s. They told me of the old quarry.

    Wish I’d check it out.

    Lee Highway was normally my southern boundary. Starting at my house on Stringfellow I explored, fanning out in all directions. I figured getting lost was only temporary for I would eventually hit a road to get me home.

    Along with all kinds of nature, I also came across old abandoned dwellings, spring houses and grave yards from the 1800’s.

    I was truly in my element.

    • My direction took me west, toward Stringfellow. I once found a camp that had a little red bridge over Willow Springs and a red pagoda and outhouses that said “Boy-San,” “Girl-San.” I never found it again.


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