Notes from Candice Ransom

Robin Journal: May 5-7

Monday, May 5
Monday, May 5

It is no picnic taking these pictures.  Scott, who has been on paternity leave the last two weeks, has suddenly taken over a major role.  Scaring off intruders!

The babies are growing fast.  Right now they sleep a lot, like most newborns, but are ready to eat whenever Scott or Zelda lands at their nest.  Watching the parents through the scope, I see them sort of break the food up before distributing it.  Maybe those little gullets can’t have a whole worm stuffed down them?  Also, everybody poops.  The parents take away waste on every trip, which seems to be in little sacks.

So here they are:  Irene, Howard, Bill, and Esther.

At the top, Monday, May 5.  Note the long skinny neck pitched forward into the nest.  It takes a lot of energy for them to pick their heads up.

Tuesday, May 6
Tuesday, May 6

Tuesday, May 6.  I love their little yawping mouths.   When I approached the window box, I could see the tips of beaks waving around.  They are so cute!  If you look closely at the one with his beak turned up, and the one with his mouth open, you can see the slits in their eyes.  Soon they’ll be gazing at the world.

Wednesday, May 7
Wednesday, May 7

Wednesday, May 7.   Scott swooped down at me when I was trying to get a closer look.  I snapped one picture but it showed a bad case of camera shake.  My husband filled the birdbath and I let him run interference while I took another picture a little later.

Both times the nestlings were sleeping, even though they’d just been fed.  You can see the backbone of the one in the bottom left.  Their wings look a bit more defined.  It’s not going to be easy to fix chicken any more.



4 thoughts on “Robin Journal: May 5-7”

  1. Fresh-hatched birds are (shhh, let’s face it) kind of ugly, but little by little, they grow into their beautiful plumage. So amazing, that.

    • Sure, they’re ugly. You can even see their organs through their skin! But they change so fast, it’s amazing. I can’t wait for feathers!

      That hummingbird’s nest at your new house is a definite omen. Happy Closing Day!

  2. I wish you could have been my high school biology teacher. Learning is fun when you see it and experience it as opposed to just reading about it. Love the pictures and your creative way of describing the events of this little family of birds. It makes me happy to think of you sitting in your kitchen peering out the window to check on your baby birds.

    You’ve set me about discovering the bird life, too. My neighbor has a bluebird house in his yard, with a nest full of eggs. He let me take a picture yesterday. He has promised me the nest when they leave. And I am looking for paint for a new photo backdrop – and the color is, of course, robin’s egg blue. You are a good influence on me!

    • We’ve all gone a little bird crazy this spring. I think it must be because of that awful long winter. We’re so thrilled to see something outside besides white stuff!
      I’m reading books on birds and their behavior and it makes me aware even more when I got out.

      You’ll see my eyes follow something flying when we’re in the driveway talking. It’s a natural reaction with me–I’ve been tracking flying things my whole life.

      You can’t go wrong with robin’s egg blue for anything–decor, clothes, wall color. I can’t wait to see this new Annie Sloan board/backdrop you’re fixing up.


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